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AquaTabs Water Purification Tablets (aquatabs)

AquaTabs Water Purification Tablets (aquatabs)
AquaTabs Water Purification Tablets (aquatabs)
AquaTabs Water Purification Tablets (aquatabs)

Aquatabs are the world’s no.1 water purification tablets as the world’s most recognized and largest selling brand of water purification tablets.

They are effervescent tablets which kill micro- organisms in water to prevent cholera, typhoid, dysentery and other water borne diseases.

Aquatabs are used by all major aid agencies, NGOs, and peacekeeping/ defence forces worldwide for the treatment of human drinking water in emergency situations. Over 15 billion liters of water have been treated using Aquatabs.


Effervescent formula for fast 30 minute treatment time after mixing with no unpleasant taste and odor.

The only water purification tablet with NSF 60 certification and approved formula for routine use by the World Health Organization (WHO) .

AquaTabs are approved safe for children and pregnant women.

Aquatabs water purification tablets are used by NATO, British army, French army, German army, Russian army, U.S. Special forces, and many more defense and peace keeping forces.

100% USA Manufactured Active Ingredient!

Aquatabs are ideal for the treatment of water for international travelers and for camping or survival situations. Water treated with Aquatabs is ready to drink within 30 minutes.

Extensive worldwide trials on efficacy, health impact studies and acceptability have seen Aquatabs become the fastest growing water treatment product worldwide.

What are Aquatabs?

Aquatabs are effervescent (self-dissolving) tablets, the United States EPA approved active ingredient is NaDCC which is also known as Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate or Troclosene Sodium .

The United States EPA registered active ingredient used in Aquatabs is a chlorine donor, but with unique properties that make it safer and more effective than bleach, iodine, chloramines and halazone.

CONTENTS: 1 Package of 30 Aquatabs – treats up to 60 quarts.

Your Price:$11.50
Loyalty Points: 10 Worth $1.00

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