Survival situations in arid climates, and those in areas of highly-saline water (seawater), present unique challenges to getting your daily potable water needs to stay hydrated - and alive. A solar still is a time-tested method to generate potable water, even from certain contaminated sources. A solar still uses the rays of the sun to distill water from the ground, plants, and virtually anything that contains moisture. An advantage is that impure sources, which could not normally be consumed, may be used to produce drinkable water. These include urine, blood, salt water, and non-poisonous plant material. Construction of a solar still is labor intensive, and therefore, you must weigh the potential benefit of its construction against any deficit from water loss in constructing the still. Construction is best in early morning/evening when temperatures are cooler. Good survival guides will offer solid instruction on the construction of solar stills, and their caveats.
Watch This Video That Describes the Solar Still and Solar Still Deluxe, and Their Basic Construction and Operation:
We offer the Solar Still Water Purification Kit and Solar Still Deluxe Water Purification Kit as cost effective, lightweight, and packable emergency water procurement kits with some added benefits. The first being the materials: Only high-grade materials were selected in making this kit. The second is that we include chlorine dioxide water purification tablets, and a 5L water collection bag, to purify non-saline water you may discover while the solar still works passively. The Solar Still Deluxe also includes a 50 gallon emergency water filter that can filter down to 3 microns, and is extremely small and lightweight. Note: The water purification tablets and filter will NOT purify salt water (remove the salt from water). They are intended to be used to purify fresh water you may find that is suspected of being contaminated with pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses (as indicated in their instructions), while the solar still works passively. The solar still is your method to remove the salt from water.
Contents of the Solar Still Kit:
1. 6 ft x 8 ft of 2 mil High-Durability Clear Polysheeting
2. 6 ft of Special Formulation Drinking-Tubing:
3. 2 in x50 in Duct Tape for aid in construction/securing tubing.
4. 3 Liter Folding/Freestanding Durable Pack Bowl for water collection
5. 10 Pack of Aquamira Military Edition Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Tablets:
6. An Aloksak 12 in x12 in SSI Certified Waterproof Bag:
7. (2) 1 Liter Sterile Stand-up Water Bags
8. (3) 25 Gallon 1.5 mil Polybags, clear, high density.
9. 10 ft. of 7 Strand Parachute Cord (550 Cord).
10. Basic instruction sheets for solar still and vegetation still construction.
11. Solar Still Kit Pouch:
Weight of Kit: 15 oz
Put the sun to work to help save your life: Carry a solar still, learn how to use it, and survive!
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