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Aloksak Certified for Diving Waterproof Bags (SMW390000-04)

Aloksak Certified for Diving Waterproof Bags (SMW390000-04)

These are the best waterproof bags on the market. These are no "grocery store" plastic baggies. These are the most advanced waterproof bags in their class. Perfect for containing survival equipment, and even for using as a back-up container for emergency water collection/purification (this is why we include the 980cc version [9"x6"] in our combination kits). Add them to your survival/emergency kit!

Certified for diving and waterproof to depths of 60 meters/200 feet. Confirmed testing in their pressure chamber under constant pressure of 200 SFW for two weeks without leaks..

  • North American Fishing Club Approved after being diversely tested by a selection of 35 individuals under a variety of circumstances.
  • Get the best! Get Aloksak!

  • Your Price:$8.99
    Loyalty Points: 10 Worth $1.00
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