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Swedish Firesteel Scout Fire Starter (SM350416)

Swedish Firesteel Scout Fire Starter (SM350416)

The Firesteel Scout is a very durable fire starter that lasts for 3,000 to 12,000 strikes. Works equally well when wet. Produces a 3000 degree C spark. Lights campfires, stoves & gas BBQs. Bright spark can be used as an emergency signal. Approved by the International Survival Instructors Association.
  • This is a great firestarter because it is highly durable, lightweight, and compact. It does require two-handed operation (unlike the Spark-Lite? firestarter), but for its class it is very high quality.
  • Color may vary based on supply.
  • Striking rod is 1-3/4" long, striker is 7/8" X 2-3/4"

On Sale:$12.50
You Save:17%
Loyalty Points: 5 Worth $0.50

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