The Spark-Lite Military Edition Firestarter: When it comes to starting a fire, nothing touches the Spark-Lite for functionality and ease. The official fire starter of the U.S. Military, the Spark-Lite is simply the best. One should be in every backpack, bug out bag, survival and emergency kit that you own.
Designed as a one handed fire starter in case of injury, and more reliable than a lighter (that can leak its fuel), The Spark-Lite Military Edition Firestarter is relied upon by U.S. Military forces - and so can you.
To use this simple tool, just pull a Tinder-Quik Fire Tab from the plastic case and ignite it with the Spark-Lite. Tinder-Quik is waterproof and will burn for 1-2 minutes, giving you plenty of time to get your fire started. Importantly, the Tinder Quik Fire Tabs can be used directionally, unlike tinder powders, gels, or even tinder cubes. This means that you can light the Tinder Quick Fire Tab and then light several prepared areas more easily than you can with other commercial tinders.
Other small items can be added to the Spark-Lite to turn it into a mini survival kit. Some can fit in without removing any Tinder-Quik, other items take up more space so a piece or two may need to be removed. Here are some ideas:
In addition, duct tape and/or cord can be wrapped around the outside.
For the Operator who won’t leave a thing to chance, the Escape & Evade® Patch Kit – Freedom Tools enables restraint defeat, entry, and fire starting. Designed to maintain a low profile, the difference with this patch kit versus others is the quality of tools used and our Special Ops Patch more...