This Long Term Food Storage Essentials Kit has all of the food and supplies you will need to keep you safe for an extended period of time. There are 44 Long Term Food Storage Meals in this kit that will feed 1 Person for 14 days or 2 People for 1 Week. It is all packaged in our large Hikers Backpack.
The kit includes the following:
Food and Water:
Rest assured knowing you have food and water with proper nutrition in any type of disaster. These products have a 7 year shelf life. 11 Cook in the Pouch Meals with a total of 44 meals:
28 - Lunch/Dinner Servings
Stroganoff - 4 Servings (1 Pouch)
Creamy Chicken Pasty - 4 Servings (1 Pouch)
Cheesy Lasagna - 4 Servings (1 Pouch)
Chicken Teriyaki - 4 Servings (1 Pouch)
Chicken Ala King - 4 Servings (1 Pouch)
Southwest Bean & Rice (1 Pouch)
Beef Teriyaki - 4 Servings (1 Pouch)
16 - Breakfast Servings
Honey Glazed Granola - 8 Servings (2 Pouches)
Multi-Grain Cereal - 4 Servings (1 Pouch)
Brown Sugar Oatmeal - 4 Servings (1 Pouch)
24 oz. Water Filtration Bottle capable of removing 99.99% of all pollutants from 100 gallons of water
Light and Communication:
Never be stranded without the proper supplies to help you keep in communication with those around you.
Dyanmo 4-in-1 Radio Flashlight
Waterproof Matches
Shelter and Warmth:
Nothing is worse than being cold and without shelter. With these items you will be comfortable even during the coldest times.
2 Mylar Emergency Sleeping Bags
These are items that you will be glad you have in a time of need. You may even find yourself using them for day to day use.
Portable Cooking Stove (includes 16 Fuel Tablets)
Steel Fork, Knife, & Spoon Chow Kit
16 oz Steel Cup
Pair of Leather Palm Work Gloves
2 Infectious Waste Bags
Hygiene and Sanitation:
When you are not sure how long you will be without power or utilities, the simple act of freshening up can boost your attitude in any situation.
6 Packs of Pocket Tissues
First Aid:
With these items you will be able to tend to minor injuries and offer relief to those in need.
36 Piece Pocket First Aid (Bandage) Kit
If you find yourself in a mundane situation, use these items to entertain yourself until circumstances change.
Deck of Standard Playing Cards
Note Pad
Golf Pencil
Emergency Survival Kit Information:
This Long Term Food Storage Essentials Survival Kit was designed using advice from experts in the emergency preparedness industry. It follows guidelines given by government agencies and non-profit preparedness organizations. This survival kit has a retail value of 0.
See Nutritional Information Here (.pdf file)
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