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Marbles Outdoors Genuine 550 Parachute Cord 7-Strand - 100 ft- Artic Camo (SMRG1053H)

Marbles Outdoors Genuine 550 Parachute Cord 7-Strand - 100 ft- Artic Camo (SMRG1053H)
Marbles Outdoors Genuine 550 Parachute Cord 7-Strand - 100 ft- Artic Camo (SMRG1053H)
Marbles Outdoors Genuine 550 Parachute Cord 7-Strand - 100 ft- Artic Camo (SMRG1053H)

Genuine Marbles Outdoors parachute cord (paracord): 550 pound test tensile strength, 7-strand inner cords.
  • 100ft.
  • 100% nylon
  • Multiple uses: shelter construction, guy-lines, high-strength repairs.
  • Inner cords can be separated out and used for lighter purposes such as fishing, snaring, sewing, etc. The uses are endless!
  • Made in the USA by a certified military contractor.

  • Your Price:$8.95
    Loyalty Points: 5 Worth $0.50

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