New solutions to emergency water storage mean that you don't have to settle for a 50 gallon drum sitting in your yard. From quick set-up containers holding 60 gallons -- to stackable 3.5 gallon "bricks" -- to bathtub containment systems, these solutions enable a variety of means to store larger quantities of water for when traditional sources run dry. Remember that mobility is always a potential advantage in a survival situation. A large container would be useful for staying in-place -- but what if the situation dictates that you move out? Variety in containment systems would enable you to have the best advantage. No matter what, remember that water can go "bad" (get contaminated) - always treat your water in advance by using the proper advance treatment solution to ensure the longest shelf-life for your stored water. As well, consider treatment upon extraction - have the ability to remove water from a large storage device easily and safely, and be able to treat it again prior to consumption.