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NATO Commando & Survival Wire Saw (SM71010)

NATO Commando & Survival  Wire Saw (SM71010)
NATO Commando & Survival  Wire Saw (SM71010)
NATO Commando & Survival  Wire Saw (SM71010)
NATO Commando & Survival  Wire Saw (SM71010)

100+ lb. tensile strength! The NATO Commando Wire Saw is the very same issued to British Special Forces (SAS), and consists of a 24" cutting length of 8 strand braided stainless steel wire with a metal ring attached to each end. Because of the flexibility of the NATO Commando Wire Saw, it can be used to cut a variety of different materials such as wood, bone, and soft metals such as aircraft aluminum. Unlike other wire saws, the NATO Commando Wire Saw utilizes swivels at the wire ends to relieve torsion stress, adding much more life to the saw.

This NATO Approved Commando Wire Saw can cut these materials in locations that would be inaccessible to a larger saw. Looping nylon cord through the metal rings enables extended reach and leverage.

The NATO Commando Wire Saw can also be strung between the ends of a stick to make a bow saw. This is a serious survival tool that is in use by military pilots and special operations personnel worldwide.

NATO approved under NSN 5110 99 565 2549.

Your Price:$8.75
Loyalty Points: 5 Worth $0.50

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