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Tinder-Quick Fire Starting Tabs (SM0140-0006)

Tinder-Quick Fire Starting Tabs (SM0140-0006)
Tinder-Quick Fire Starting Tabs (SM0140-0006)
Tinder-Quick Fire Starting Tabs (SM0140-0006)

Tinder-Quik is waterproof/windproof and burns for 2-3 minutes giving you plenty of time to light a fire.

Weight: 0.32 oz
Size: 2.33" tall x .25" wide

  • The tinder is quick and easy to use. Just pull it apart a little bit to expose the finer cotton fibers and its ready to accept the spark.

    Stay stocked up on these fast, efficient, and reliable tinder so that youre always certain you can start a fire anywhere, anytime.
    Check out this video that demonstrates Tinder Quik.

  • Your Price:$3.99
    Loyalty Points: 5 Worth $0.50

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