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800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)

800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)
800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)
800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)
800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)
800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)
800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)
800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)
800 KCAL Survival Energy Kit with Water (800kcalenrgykit)

The 800 kCal Survival Energy Kit is a convenient package to keep with you in your vehicle, your Bug-Out-Bag, or emergency kit to ensure you have at least some high quality nutrition with you no matter what comes your way. The food items in this kit are packaged for long duration storage of 5 years (when stored properly). The kit comes packaged in a re-useable high-strength water pouch that can hold approximately 42 Fl. Oz. The water pouch is clear on one side and black coated on the other. This enables seeing the contents clearly, and also aids in enabling the pouch to melt ice or snow in sunny conditions, or to do so with your own body heat (between a layer of clothing). The pouch can also be used to purify water with water purification tablets (not included). The seal on the pouch is very durable, and the pouch is free standing. A convenient way to carry long shelf life essential nutrition!


(2) New Millennium Survival Ration Bars, 400 kCal each. Flavors: Cherry, Raspberry, Orange, Apricot, Blueberry (chosen based on availability). 5 Year Shelf Life. See graphic for nutritional information.

(1) Packet of 4.225 Fl. Oz. Purified Water, U.S. Coast Guard Approved.
  • No Oxygen Transfer Packet.
  • 4.225 Fl. Oz. (125 ml).
  • Able to withstand temperatures from -40 Deg. F to 210 Deg. F. (-40 Deg. C to 99 Deg. C).

  • (1) 42 Fl. Oz. Water Pouch, re-sealable, free standing. Clear on one side, reflective silver interior side. Black outer. Enables melting of snow or ice in sunny conditions, or against body heat (between layer of clothing, not against skin!) Durable seal.

    Your Price:$8.95
    Loyalty Points: 5 Worth $0.50

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